Amanda brings extensive knowledge of strategic development, critical thinking and revenue generation to her role as the Chief Executive. Most recently she was Poutoko Hinengaro (co leader) at Te Pou Theatre, taking up the CEO role at Untouched World in August 2024. Amanda prioritises treaty relationships for the benefit of all Māori and tauiwi and embeds this through all strategic and programme planning.

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CLAUDIA HILLYEr - Kaiwhakaangi programme operations manager

Ko Pirongia te maunga whakahī
Ko Waipā te awa rere
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Claudia Hillyer tōku ingoa

With a diploma in te reo Māori, ‘Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi’ Claudia is passionate about sharing her knowledge of te reo and te ao Māori within her work. Claudia’s connection with the Foundation began as a student on the Ōruawairua Programme in 2018. Claudia now works to support the delivery of the Foundation’s Aotearoa-wide opportunities for leadership development including facilitating within selected programmes.