Since we began in 2001, our network of UWF alumni has grown to over 3000 strong. The measure of impact is different for every one person who comes onboard one of our programmes, below are just a handful of stories from some of our wonderful graduates.
Matthew Pledger
Sustainability and the ability to adapt will be the defining factors of our generation. The ice caps melting, coral reefs decaying, and animals going extinct present us with challenges that we need to embrace and not hide from… read Matthew’s story
Claire booker
Oruawairua, Blumine Island. This was where my journey began. Basking in bird song and sunshine, I was having the time of my life. Exam stress was wearing off, however I was now faced with the dreadful question that was constantly thrown my way- what next?… read Claire’s story
Matthew shepherd
Working with the Untouched World Foundation (UWF) challenged me to improve my thinking of wider systems as well as considering the deep dive questions in order to figure out the core issues of some of the most complex issues. But more importantly, an introduction to ‘behavioral change’, changed the way I look and apply my knowledge of local issues to global problems… read Matthew’s story
Finn boyle
Seventeen-year-old me was right; I do remember the things I learnt and the people I met to this day, 7 years and many iterations of myself later. That experience was a turning point, indeed a catalyst, in transforming me into the person I’m proud to be today… read Finn’s story
Brianne peters
I learned the power of the head, the heart and the hands; having the knowledge and understanding to engage an emotional connection, creating a willingness to act. I learned the power of stillness; being present in your surroundings. I connected with the importance of observation in your surroundings, both physically and personally… read Brianne’s story
jack clerke
I vividly recall the first moment I met the 2018 cohort of untouched world students, outside my local marae in Waikawa. Any nervousness I had was quickly dispelled by the friendly, passionate and inspiring group that I would come to call my whānau over the next week… read Jack’s story
giahnnii paraku
Sustainability has not only an Environmental purpose, but also an Economic and cultural/people factor, for humans to thrive positively. My belief, is that when we tackle these important issues, how do we manage ourselves through this adversity?… read Giahnnii’s story